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Home--Online Conference: Embrace the creativity amidst Covid-19 crisis

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on United Nation's World Creativity and Innovation Day 21 April 2020

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-14 at 6.45.43 PM.

Council for Creative Education in collaboration with the University of Jyväskylä cordially invites you to the Online Conference Embrace the Creativity amidst COVID-19 Crisis. The conference is organized to celebrate the United Nation’s World Creativity and Innovation Day ( and at the same time to reflect on the current situation across the globe, which is in great pain and grief due to the pandemic.

Amongst these gloomy times, there are many of us, who are fighting with courage and finding new ways to cope with the unusual situation. Creativity is at its peak in such circumstances where you need to be innovative in your day-to-day life, work and survival. 

UNESCO has declared April 21st as the World Creativity and Innovation Day in the year 2018.

Let’s listen to the stories about the fight and innovation across many nations especially in the field of education in our Online Conference on the World Creativity and Innovation Day, 21st April 2020.

​​This event is free for everyone. This is a pre-event for our upcoming 7th Symposium in November 2020.


Opening Remarks video by Kristóf Fenyvesi for the Online Conference
Who can attend?
Hands-on STEAM model approximation of COVID-19 with 4Dframe

Everybody is encouraged to join our event online. We believe that educators, entrepreneurs, parents, and students can greatly benefit from the presentations and conversations. Researchers and teachers (pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher section), principals, educators, trainers, students from teacher education are welcome to present their ideas during live interactions with speakers. We are also encouraging policy-makers responsible for various government institutes, educational policies to join this conference.

How to attend?

The first step to attend the conference is to fill-up the registration form. It is important to fill up the registration form to get the certificate of attendance.

All pre-recorded videos and live interaction with the speakers will be streamed on various platforms, like CCE's YouTube channel, Facebook and also on the Website. (3).png (2).png

Structure of the Conference

Considering the technical glitches and different time zones, CCE has come up with a unique approach for the online conference. The conference will be divided into two parts. The first part will be streaming the pre-recorded videos by the speakers according to the theme of their talk. The second part is the online live interaction with the speakers.

Follow us:
#WCID21April #WCID2021

Part - 1:  All pre-recorded videos from the speakers will be streamed on various days, on the following platforms like CCE's YouTube channel, Facebook and also on the Website.

Sessions will be broadcasted as follows:


Time: 11:00 (UTC+03 Finland) and 13:30 (UTC+05:30 India)

Session 1 - 16 April 2020

Session 2 - 17 April 2020

Session 3 and Keynote - 18 April 2020

All these sessions will be broadcasted together on 21st April again from 10:00 to 12:30 (UTC + 03 Finland)

Part - 2: Live Interaction with speakers


Time Duration: 3 hrs 30 mins including short breaks

Date: 21 April 2020


13:00 to 16:30 (UTC+03 Finland) 

15:30 to 19:00 (UTC+05:30 India)

05:00 to 08:30 (UTC-4 Washington, DC, USA)

Note :- For the 21st April conference, the issuing of the certificates has now been closed.
Dates & Deadlines
2020 Video Sessions

Video sessions will also be streamed on CCE Facebook and CCE's YouTube Channel.


Creativity & Innovation for Organizing Teaching and Learning During Covid-19 Crisis / Q&A


Kati Clements, Saana Mehtälä, Tiina Mäkelä, Zhao Yuqian, Luisa Lenta, Huei Syuan Lin & Ing Ru Chen

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-30 at

1. Kati  Clements & Saana Mehtälä 

Finding ways to share good practices for organizing teaching during the COVID-19 Crisis


(Premiere at 11:00 in Finland time)

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2. Tiina Mäkelä

“Moment of truth in distance learning”: Expert support for educators, parents, and learners during COVID-19 crisis in Finland

Link: (Premiere at 12:00 noon in Finland time)

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3. Zhao Yuqian

Distance Education of Playful Coding for Children in Hubei Province During the COVID-19 Crisis

Link:  (Premiere at 13:00 in Finland time)


4. Luisa Lenta

The Red Zone: Isolated but Connected

Link:  (Premiere at 14:00 in Finland time)

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5. Ing Ru Chen

& Huei Syuan Lin

STEAM Movement and Developing Critical Skills for Critical Times in Taiwan for the Youth by the Youth


(Premiere at 15:00 in Finland time)

Speaker Profile



 Video Session


6. Paul Hildebrandt 

Viruses and Hyperspace

Link:  (Premiere at 11:00 in Finland time)


7. Mike Acerra

Hands-on Modeling and STEAM Learning about viruses, including COVID-19 with LUX BLOX

Link: (Premiere at 12:00 noon in Finland time)


8. Thierry (Noah) Dana-Picard 

E-Teaching of Differential Geometry in a time of COVID-19 crisis


(Premiere at 13:00 in Finland time)

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9. Janika Leoste

Robotics Education During and After the COVID-19 Crisis

Link:  (Premiere at 14:00 in Finland time)


Creativity & Innovation for Learning About COVID-19 Crisis / Q&A


Paul Hildebrandt, Kristof Fenyvesi, Mike Acerra, Thierry (Noah) Dana-Picard & Janika Leoste

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10. Pamela Burnard 

Revisioning New Ideas of STEAM, Enacting ‘Art-Science Creativity’, Attending to the Present (and Post) COVID-19 Outbreak


(Premiere at 09:00 Finland time)


Creativity & Innovation: Critical Skills for Critical Times, Health and Well-being / Q&A


Pekka Neittaanmäki & Heikki Lyytinen


Pamela Burnard, Anne Harris, Csilla Lázár, Jukka Sinnemaki, Andrea Kárpáti, Christopher Brownell, Zsolt Lavicza & Kristof Fenyvesi, Andreas Daniel Matt, Vilmos Vass, Jim Friedman


Pekka Neittaanmäki

UN’s Day of Creativity and Innovation: Critical Skills in Critical Times

Link:  (Premiere at 17:00 in Finland time)


Heikki Lyytinen

UN’s Day of Creativity and Innovation: Critical Skills in Critical Times

Link:  (Premiere at 18:00 Finland time)


11.Anne M. Harris

Creative Ecologies in the time of COVID-19


(Premiere at 10:00 Finland time)


(Premiere at 13:00 Finnish time)

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15. Christopher S. Brownell

STEAM Education Efforts Include Playful Mathematics


(Premiere at 14:00 Finland time)

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16. Kristof Fenyvesi

Creativity and Innovation: Developing Critical Skills for Critical Times through STEAM Learning


 (Premiere at 16:45 Finland time)

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17. Zsolt Lavicza 

Developing technological and pedagogical innovations in STEAM education


(Premiere at 16:00 Finland time)

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-20 at 2.22.54 PM.

Andreas Daniel Matt

Celebrating first International UNESCO Day of Mathematics amidst Covid-19 Crisis

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-20 at 2.22.54 PM

Vilmos Vass

Reflections on Creativity, as aCritical Skills in Critical Times

Live Comments During Session 3

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Jim Friedman


Live Comments During Session 3

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Reidun Twarock

Virus Structure through a Mathematical Microscope

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Learning happens when you see the unseen in every child

13. Jukka Sinnemäki

14. Andrea Kárpáti

Arts for social change: the creative outreach of AMASS


(Premiere at 12:00 Finland time)


Everyday Creativity - boosting the internal creative resources of European schools with Finnish models of education for creativity


(Premiere at 11:00 Finland time)

12. Csilla Lázár 

Co-ordinators of the Conference

Heramb Kulkarni

Head, ICT Development, and Strategy, CCE Finland

Speaker and trainer on EduTech, collaborative learning, and innovation across 12 countries. Trained more than 14000+ teachers, Educators, leaders on strategy and ICT innovations Research.

Heramb consults many governments and large organizations across 3 continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa within key countries like Denmark, USA, Bahrain and Indian states like Delhi, Chhattisgarh, and Maharashtra. His research areas are educational technology and creativity, global education reforms and collaborative innovations. As an educator, social entrepreneur and technology wizard, he is on the advisory board of many educational institutes and innovative start-ups across Europe and India. He has held leadership positions across large MNCs like Nokia, Lucent Technologies, Skyworks and Accenture with vast experience in technology, architecture and software development domain

Shirin Kulkarni

Research Director, CCE Finland

Researcher in the field of Creative Thinking and education for more than 14 years.

Research Areas:

  • Creativity and School Environment

  • A comparative study between India and Finland

  • CII (Creativity-identity Interaction) model

  • Narrative teaching techniques

Experienced trainer and psychologist

Research Director, CCE Finland

Kristof Fenyvesi

Researcher of STEAM Education and Multidisciplinary Learning, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä

Research Fields: STEAM education; trans-, multidisciplinary and phenomenon-based learning, key competence development; connections between arts & mathematics; problem-solving, playfulness, experience-oriented, and cooperative approaches in learning; hands-on and digital modelling in mathematics, art and design; interdisciplinary aesthetics.

Postdoctoral Researcher at the Innovative Learning Environments Research Group ( at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (, University of Jyväskylä. Head of STEAMnet Educational Network ( Director of Outreach Events of the world’s largest mathematics and arts community, the Bridges Organization. Founder of Experience Workshop Global STEAM Network

Matti Savonen

I work in research project coordination at the University of Jyväskylä Faculty of Information Technology with emphasis on artificial intelligence and health care.

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