Home--Activities-- Know Your Creative Index
What is CCE?
Council for Creative Education (CCE) is an international, research-based organization providing customized educational solutions and training designed and implemented to foster creativity and quality of education. CCE believes that there is a seed of creativity in every individual with different degrees of expression. We should provide them such opportunities where everyone can explore his/her own creativity. To explore one’s own creative abilities, there is a need of open, friendly, flexible and supportive learning environment. At CCE, we have developed training and workshops for each and every stakeholder of the education system, where we help them for being an important contributor towards the creation of such environment.
What is the significance of creativity?
Scholastic Intelligence is not the only ability for the progress and development of a student.
In today’s competitive world, one needs something ‘extra’ which can be achieved by understanding one's own strengths, inclinations and creative abilities.
Creativity Index is a better measure of one’s Creative intelligence which helps in understanding personality type and exploring hidden potentials.
Can we measure creativity?
The good news is - we can measure creativity and creative intelligence!
CCE with its research partners has developed internationally recognized, standardized tests with individual and group activities. The test is popularly known as “Know your creativity index (KYCI) ” tests is the combination of individual paper-pencil, nonverbal test (For research purpose) and activity based problem solving - group test (report and recommendations).
It measures various factors of creativity like how many different ideas a student can produce, how many of these ideas are unique or unusual, how (s)he connects two different stimuli, originality, elaboration, linguistic articulateness, expressiveness, flexibility, openness in thinking.
Group activities are intended to measure collaboration skills and ability to be a team-player which will help to understand learning style of a student in a group.

KYCI is designed for various age groups like:
Group 1 : Primary : Std 1-4 : 120 mins
Group 2 : Lower Secondary : Std 5-7 : 120 mins
Group 3 : Secondary : Std 8-10 : 120 mins
Group 4 : Higher Secondary : Std 11-12 : 120 min
Group 5 : Tertiary : Senior College : 120 min
What will you get?
Every student will receive his/her creativity index with detailed analysis of which factors of creativity you possess, how you can increase your abilities and where you can use your creative abilities at its best
Certificate of Participation in the test
Counseling sessions (additional)
Duration and Fees
- The total duration of the test and activities will be 120 minutes.
- Test Fees - Rs.2000/-
- Inclusions in the fee
KYCI Test Report
Learning style assessment
Counseling session will be included with kids and parents.
- Schools / Colleges for group discount - kindly send email to info@ccefinland.org
For Parents
At CCE, we understand the concern of parents about the education and holistic development of their children. Parents are the important part of the education system. they can support it very well with their skills and expertise. CCE has designed special courses for parents involvement in creating an environment at school that will enhance the creative thinking of the children. They can also use these techniques at home to create a friendly, open yet disciplined environment.
Additionally, CCE is conducting a survey for the parents of the child aged 6-18 years to understand their views on ability or interest tests. Kindly provide your valuable inputs and help us in understanding the much-needed aspect of creativity and learning environments in schools.
How should I prepare for this test?
No prior preparation is required.
Is there any textbook or syllabus for the test?
No. There is no textbook for this test.There is no syllabus for the test. It just required the skill of holding pencil and simple drawing, but it is not a drawing competition
Is it necessary to bring any identification (ID) card?
Yes. It is advisable to keep the ID card of your school/college with you if you are from school group. If not then it is not mandatory.
Can I bring watercolors?
No. Watercolors are strictly not allowed. Only crayons are permitted for this test.
What if, after paying the fees I can not attend the test? Can I get a refund?
It depends on case to case basis. You need to contact the center where the test has been conducted.
Where and How to Register?
Send an e- mail to dhanika.sawarkar@ccefinland.org
OR SMS to 9890436368 in the format below:
Full Name - Age - Class/College - City name - Email id - Contact no.
For example -- Amit Arora - 17- FY JC - Pune - amit.arora345@gmail.com - 9852342437