Heramb Kulkarni analyzes how a small country like Finland has progressed due to the change in education after 1970 and gives comparative statistics on how the GDP of this country has increased with the first five countries in the world today.
Pre-primary, elementary, secondary, high school, postgraduate, Ph.D. He presented a graph of how such education is provided. In Finland, the proportion of government schools is over 90%. There is very little private schooling. No private tutoring classes. In Finland, children up to 6 years of age go to daycare instead of going to school and they are developed emotionally, physically, socially, intellectually. He said that the class is not a wise examination method, but there are various methods of evaluation.
What changes are needed in the Indian education system? He expressed his opinion.
Open communication about the school, curriculum, books, examinations, teaching methods, teachers, principals, the appointment of salary, their position in the society. Heramb Kulkarni contacted the attendees. A comparative overview of the Indian education system and Finland's education system and several questions were raised by the attendees. The program was presented by Yashwantrao Chavan Pratishthan's program head Dr. Datta Balasaraf and thanked the attendees by Madhav Suryavanshi, Coordinator of Education Development Forum.
Are you interesting more in the Finnish education system? Why don´t you take our Finland educational tour program with us to see the Finnish education in practice?
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