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What’s new in the ECCE World?

As Educators and ECE Specialists, we are adjusting to the new normal – but wouldn’t you agree things around us are changing rapidly? Who would have thought little children will be benefiting from the online schooling and parents will be learning best practices of early childhood education.

The World Wide Web is filled with information on all parameters from around the globe. One is bound to be confused as to where we have to look for emerging ideas in this segment? What are the different ways we can unlearn to learn in this era?

Making the Difference:

CCE Finland has been at the forefront, taking many initiatives in spreading awareness and making a difference in the world of Early Childhood Education. From a very victorious creativity conference in April 2020 to a super successful regional language conference in June 2020 – CCE is making its mark in the early education world. There recent series of webinar about in-depth discussions and brainstorming on implementations of NEP is yet another testament of their commitment to making a difference in Indian education and world over.

Be a part of the Change:

Their upcoming ECE conference in September 2020 is inviting educators and facilitators to present ideas, examples and projects related to various themes ranging from Inclusive Education, Innovative Learning Environment to Parenting in Pandemic. The aim is connecting educators and parents with a strong emphasis on promoting global awareness and inspiring action towards solving real-world early childhood education problems.

Through this event, attendees will challenge themselves and others to become more active given the new education policy and new online medium of learning. Participants are encouraged to submit their papers, blogs, learn, question, create, and engage in meaningful, authentic opportunities with a global audience.

Call for Papers:

The call for papers is now open on the official website . Presenters can submit papers for any of 10 themes listed. Teachers, Students, Curriculum innovators, Leadership of school and even parents are invited to be part of this very innovative and much needed conference.

To sign up for this as presenter or audience, please make sure you have registered for the conference at

Thank you for your time reading through this. We are looking forward to the third terrific event of this year, and to your participation!

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