The main theme for the renewed CCE's Symposium on Creative education is "Creaitve Schools". The event ties together educationists, researchers, teachers, principals, school administrators, education policy makes, trainers and leaders whilst concentrating on future path of education and innovation within schools and current trends in academia. As our partner, you will be part of the year 2015’s most important event.

Package cost: 3000 € + 24% ALV
Pre-event marketing and communication campaign in social media
Presentation on the opening day of the conference in front of educationists from 25+ countries
Reach visitors through pre and post-event marketing
Logo inclusion on selected program tracks
Two-day promotional booth presence at the conference
Article on Mindtrek Openmind blog channel
Presentations during Finland Education Experience program for the year 2018-19
Recognition throughout the event production*
Company display on roll-up
5 conference passes
2 VIP tickets

Package cost: 2000€ + 24% ALV
Two-day promotional booth presence at the conference
Article on CCE's blog and newsletter
Presentations during Finland Education Experience program for the year 2018-19
Recognition throughout the event production*
Reach visitors through post-event marketing
Logo inclusion on selected program tracks
Company display on roll-up
3 conference passes
1 VIP ticket

Package cost: 1000€+ 24% ALV
Recognition throughout the event production*
Company display on roll-up
2 conference passes
* Shoutout on social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube), brand display on website and on-site, inclusion of promotional printouts and materials
Got interested? Want to buy one?
Send an email to info@ccefinland.org stating your interest towards the sponsorship, remember to include a) the name of the package of interest b) Payment contact information.