Home--Symposium & Seminar--Submission Guidelines
Symposium / Seminar Submission Guidelines

Paper Submission
Cover Sheet
A cover sheet must be submitted as a separate document that lists:
Paper title and word count. For example: “Project Complexity (7300 words)”
Key words
Submitter contact information - name, affiliation, and email address
First Author contact information - name, affiliation, and email address
Co-authors contact information - names, affiliations, and email addresses (if applicable)
Presenter contact information - name, affiliation, and email address
Formatting Guidelines
Language - submissions must be in English.
Key Words - papers must include at least three, but no more than seven key words.
Abstract - abstracts must be included in your submitted paper and should not exceed 300 words and be no less than 150 words. Papers that do NOT have an abstract included in their paper submission will not be accepted.
Length - papers may not exceed 8,400 words (approximately 14 single-spaced pages), excluding references and appendices. All submitted papers must have the word count identified in the title. For example: “Role of teachers in creative facilitation (7300 words)”
Spacing - single-space, with one-inch margins on all sides of page.
Font - use only Arial or Times New Roman with a font size no less than 10 and no greater than 12.
Header - include paper title as header on each subsequent page.
Page numbering - number pages consecutively in lower right corner.
Sections - Bold and underline all major sections of paper. Underline sub-headings, if any.
Identifying information - Authors should not cite their own work in the text or bibliography. All identifying information (name, affiliation, etc.) must be removed from body of paper and in the list of references.
File Types - CCE will only accept papers and abstracts processed and saved in Microsoft Word™ (.doc or .docx file extensions)
Selected Papers
Selected Symposium papers will be published in the Symposium proceedings and distributed electronically to all the participants. CCE may use submitted papers for Symposium-related purposes and catalogs paper in its online library. CCE reserves the right to edit papers and abstracts for grammatical and editorial style as well as length and clarity. We will return papers and abstracts that require extensive editing and will notify the author of the deadline for returning the revised paper. Updated papers which are not returned to CCE by the agreed-upon deadline are subject to omission from both the published proceedings and the Symposium schedule.
Please Note : CCE will publish symposium and Confernce proceedings along with all selected Papers.