Finland has a proven track-record as the home of world-class education. The Finnish school system has been built on the egalitarian principle of good quality universal education, which is inclusive and comprehensive. In fact, the learning gap of the weakest and the strongest pupils in Finnish schools is one of the narrowest in the world.
The good results of Finnish education system were not achieved overnight. It has taken decades and many reforms to take the Finnish educational system where it is now. Finland has developed education in a systematic way in a broad cooperation with stakeholders. Let’s discuss, share the ideas and know-how we have gained in the process but we do not believe the system can be copied as such to another country.
This course is recommended for educators, teachers and researchers who are interested in understanding the Finland education system in detail. In This course, we will discuss all sections of Finnish Education starting with Early Childhood Education to University Tertiary education.
Pre-requisites :
FE101 - Introduction to Finland Education (Optional)
Benefits :
After doing this course the participant will be able to
Understand a vivid picture of Finnish education system
Levels of education in Finland (Early childhood to higher education)
Understanding transversal competences and curriculum
Innovative teaching methods and assessment practices from Finland
Classroom design and learning environment
Intended Audience :
Anyone interested in understanding about foundation of Finnish
education model teachers, educators, researchers, etc.
Live Online meetings
Video Recordings
Reading material
Learning Journal / Reflections
8 calendar weeks
Effort Estimates:
4 hrs per week (1 hr Live / recorded session + 1-2 hour reading material + 1-2 hours of assignment and reflections)
Course Content:
Basic concepts and values in Finnish educational system
History and evolution of of Finnish education
Finland Education Model: Early Childhood Education to University level and Adult Education
School Leadership Approach
Research based teacher training
Innovation and research in Finnish universities
Assessment in Finnish schools
Demystifying Finnish Education Course (FE201)
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