Our Collaborations
Govt. Collaborations
Council for Creative Education (CCE) has collaborated with organizations ranges from government's educational initiatives to universities and from large educational institutes to educational research institutes for coordination, facilitation, monitoring and to provide guidance in all aspects of the educational projects. The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of education by providing dynamic, diversified and inquisitive learning environments.
Nigeria & Ghana
Ghana - Nigeria visit has set a milestone in CCE's journey during the year 2017. The signing ceremony between Council for Creative Education, Finland (CCE) and Government of Sokoto, Nigeria for "Online Teachers’ Training Program" was the proud moment for us. Governor, Sokoto State and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland both were present for the ceremony and signed the document.
The journey has started from Accra the capital of Ghana, then it continued to Abuja and Lagos in Nigeria.
In this visit, there were more than 20 organizations from various domains like educational institutes, universities, ICT, telecom industries, manufacturing, finance, etc. with Minister Kai Mykkänen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland.
Due to our fundamental solutions, the Minister never failed to mention CCE as a very innovative company, working in the field of Education, having correct solutions matching the needs of Nigeria and Ghana.

Saudi Arabia
CCE Finland team signed MoU with Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Finland in presence of Hon Consul General of Saudi Arabia to Finland. This MoU covered mutual cooperation between CCE and Saudi Arabia schools for teacher training, School development, ICT solutions development and pr-school designing.
UK - Wales
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your carefully thought out itinerary - the visit was very worthwhile and gave us many things to consider. Visiting the schools and the conference was very interesting and educational for us, and we would like to thank everyone for their time in ensuring such a beneficial experience for us.
Best wishes
Miss Anwen Pughe Jones
Dirprwy Bennaeth/Deputy Headteacher

Kingdom of Bahrain
CCE successfully conducted an education tour for teachers and educators from the Kingdom of Bahrain for a week. It was a very good experience while visited schools and vocational institutes at Tampere and Helsinki.
The main focus was on:
Diploma in Creative Pedagogy and Classroom Management
21st Century Educator skills - 1 week in Finland + 3 weeks in Bahrain + Development Project
There are photos from Govt of Kingdom of Bahrain during their visit to Finland on 1-week educational training and workshop with government visits during Aug 2016
Govt of Chhattisgarh - India
Chhattisgarh Ministry of Education visited Finland, Denmark to initiate the new era of creative education during 2016.
The educational initiatives by Hon Chief Minister of Chattisgarh, Shri Raman Singh and Hon Minister of Education Shri Kedar Nath Kashyap are very evident in the recent past. To take State of Chattisgarh on speedy educational development the delegation from Ministry of Education including Hon Minister of Education, Shri Kedar Nath Kashyap, Shri Vikas Sheel, Chhattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education, Shri Sudhir Kumar Agarwal - Secretary in Chhattisgarh Board Of Secondary Education and Shri Mohammed Qaiser Abdul Haque, Managing Director in Madhyamik Siksha Abhiyaan Chhattisgarh were on one week visit to Finland and Denmark from 9th Oct to 15th Oct 2016.

Kingdom of Bahrain
CCE successfully conducted an education tour for teachers and educators from the Kingdom of Bahrain for a week. It was a very good experience while visited schools and vocational institutes at Tampere and Helsinki.
The main focus was on:
Diploma in Creative Pedagogy and Classroom Management
21st Century Educator skills - 1 week in Finland + 3 weeks in Bahrain + Development Project
There are photos from Govt of Kingdom of Bahrain during their visit to Finland on 1-week educational training and workshop with government visits during Aug 2016
Collaborations and Cooperations
