by Dr. Helen Teague
The mission of the 6th Symposium on Creative Education, November 12-16, 2018, invites educators to learn new ideas to educate students in all the ways they like to learn. The most comprehensive education that our students can receive embraces the three thematic words in the conference theme:
"Creativity, Imagination, and Digital Technology"
These keywords that describe what matters to our students are today. Students easy acceptance and mastery of new technology points to their receptivity. Students participation in so many forms of social media, from Instagram Snapchat, YouTube, Tumblr, and Twitter affirms their engagement in learning outside the classroom.
Many of us in the education community want to know how to achieve a “pivotal change in the learning process” as the conference website promises. Our students are inquisitive, curious, inventive, expressive, emotive, and eager to learn. Despite our efforts to teach through cognitive patterns of memorization and repeated practice, we have observed that something more is needed.
Differentiating instruction to reach all learners while simultaneously aligning my learning activities to standards can be overwhelming. Perhaps like me, other educators will be drawn to the Symposium’s premise that “the very first step towards creativity is to ponder on different ideas and imagine various situations.” The Symposium will address this scaffolding step through pre-conference classroom visits to conference papers and posters sessions. I read through the 12 themes for the paper presentations and my mind started making plans for exciting learning. I know there will be many ideas shared through these 10 themes:
Role of Imagination In Education
Smart gadgets, smart people?
Designing the ICT environment
Is Technology killing Creativity?
Creativity, brain, and art
Philosophy of creativity
Education accessibility through technology
EduTech strategies Vs school needs
Role of digitalization in creativity
Social media, digital divide and learning
I am especially drawn to the “Creative Classroom” sessions. In 30-minutes, educators will share the ideas and productive practices that they have tested in their own learning environments. There will be time for me to ask questions and learn from colleagues around the world. Educators tend to do most of their work within the a somewhat isolated environment of the classroom. What is missing is the rapport of supportive peers. The “Creative Classroom” sessions not only will give me ideas and best practices, but they can also increase my collegial network of like-minded educational professionals.
Our students are inquisitive, curious, inventive, expressive, emotive, and eager to learn. They are also apprehensive, timid, and looking for support and encouragement. We can learn ways to educate them to create new opportunities, innovate, solve problems, and live in a world with possibilities we have yet to imagine. Plan your conference experience today: