There is an interesting workshop happening in Mumbai where you will learn about how Finnish pedagogy can be used for implementing NEP in India.
Workshop: Using Finnish pedagogy for implementing NEP
Presenters: Ms. Nelli Louhivuori (Teacher from Finnish school, Helsinki)
Mr. Heramb Kulkarni (Director and NEP Expert, CCE Finland)
Date: 30th May 2022
Time: 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Venue: Satkar Grande, WIFI Park, Opp. Aplab Industries, Wagle Estate, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400604
Kindly fill up the registration form. The registration will be confirmed only on receipt of the fees.
Group of 10 Educators - Early bird registration fees with full-day conference - 2300* INR/PP
Individual Participant - Early bird registration fees with full-day conference - 2800* INR