Home--10th Symposium on Creativity for Education Technology 2023

10th International Symposium and Conference on
Creative Education Technologies 2023


Pekka Neittaanmäki
UNESCO chair on Digital Platforms for Transforming Economies
Professor of Information Technology, Numerical Analysis and Its Applications, University of Jyväskylä. He has teaching Experience since 1974 in Numerical methods, Programming, CAD, Simulation, Optimization, Optimal control, FEM, Mathematical modelling. Peaaka being ranked in the top 3 Ph.D. supervisors in the world and he has supervised 109 Ph.D. theses. Coauthor of 16 Monographs, Editor of 30 proceedings or lecture notes, Member of Program / Scientific Committees in CSAI 2019 - ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Sciences and AI in Industry: New Digital Technologies for Solving Future Societal and Economic Challenges, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2019.
Research Grants / Contracts (more than € 20 million) - Mechanics of moving materials and Multidisciplinary analysis, Academy of Finland, 2018–2019.

Kari Louhivuori
Pedagogy Coach, CCE Finland
Pedagogical Expert, Veteran teacher and ex-Principal of Kirkkojarvi School, Espoo has been instrumental in developing Finnish learning experiences since the 1970s. Throughout his career, Kari strongly emphasized the collaborative developments of schools and organic educational leadership. In collaboration with Verstas Architects Kari helped in the design and planning of the award-winning Kirkkojärvi School building in 2010. Currently, Kari consults schools, universities, and educators across the globe as CCE's pedagogical expert coach.

Heikki Lyytinen
UNESCO chair on Inclusive Literacy Learning for All
Professor in neuropsychology and psychology, PhD 1984 (Doctor of Psychology), the University of Jyväskylä. Heikki Lyytinen, Emeritus Professor of Developmental Neuropsychology, already held the UNESCO chair during the previous four-year period from 2015 to 2019. He focuses on Graphogame research to show that this digital learning environment succeeds in helping children globally to become literate, i.e. to overcome biological/genetic bottlenecks and compromised opportunities to receive sufficient instruction.
Research - The reading-Game related projects; ProRead Sokrates; NeuroDys EU-STREP, Center for the promotion of the Literacy in the Sub-Saharan Africa; Dyslexia, genes, and brain.
He awarded as Schild Scientist Award by the Finnish Cultural Foundation 1996; Nokia Award 2004; University Award for Public Information 2005; Philips Nordic Prize 2005; Senior Researcher's Prize of the Finnish Psychological Association 2008.

Heramb Kulkarni
Head, ICT Development, and Strategy, CCE Finland
Speaker and trainer on EduTech, collaborative learning, and innovation across 12 countries. Trained more than 14000+ teachers, Educators, leaders on strategy and ICT innovations Research.
Heramb consults many governments and large organizations across 3 continents, Europe, Asia, and Africa within key countries like Denmark, USA, Bahrain and Indian states like Delhi, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra. His research areas are educational technology and creativity, global education reforms and collaborative innovations. As an educator, social entrepreneur and technology wizard, he is on the advisory board of many educational institutes and innovative start-ups across Europe and India. He has held leadership positions across large MNCs like Nokia, Lucent Technologies, Skyworks and Accenture with vast experience in technology, architecture and software development domain.

Kristof Fenyvesi
Researcher In Contemporary Culture Studies
Research Fields: STEAM; trans- and Multidisciplinary integration in learning; connections between arts & Mathematics; problem-solving, playfulness, phenomenon-based, experience-oriented, and cooperative approaches in education; hands-on and digital modelling in Mathematics, art and design; interdisciplinary aesthetics.
Vice President of the World’s Largest Mathematics and Arts Community, The Bridges Organization and Director of Experience Workshop Math-Art Movement, Director of Experience Workshop Global STEAM Network.
Research Field - Multidisciplinary and Phenomenon-based Learning; STEAM education; key competence development; collaborative problem-solving; mathematics & art connections in education.
List of publications - Renewable Energy Resources for Learning Mathematics: Windmills and Water Wheels at the Math Class TUTKA

Shirin Kulkarni
Research Director, CCE Finland
Researcher in the field of Creative Thinking and education for more than 14 years.
Research Areas:
Creativity and School Environment
A comparative study between India and Finland
CII (Creativity-identity Interaction) model
Narrative teaching techniques
Experienced trainer and psychologist
Research Director, CCE Finland

Aape Pohjavirta
Founder and President of Funzi
Funzi is a learning service gives the world’s billions of mobile users access to motivating and useful learning, an opportunity to develop skills to build a better tomorrow. In his role at Funzi, Aape has become a recognized global industry leader with a vision on how science, technology, and innovation can contribute to the achievement of UN's Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Aape also pays forward to various communities through his coaching, lecturing, and teaching activities. Activating and provocative speaking engagements and research contributions are activities that Aape loves being involved in. Additionally Aape contributes to policymaking as a member of Finland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ coordination task force on education crises and as a Private Sector Advisory Group Member of the European Union’s D4D (Digital 4 Development) Hub.

Tommi Kärkkäinen
Director of the Operational Area, Professor Educational technology and cognition
Learning and Cognitive Sciences, Human and Machine based Intelligence in Learning (Humble) research group.
Digitization produces a huge amount of interesting - often even large and holey and lively and noisy - data, which together with the research group and partners we modify and refine in new ways in one direction and another, in one field, and for another need.
Digitization yields to huge amount of interesting – in many cases large, sparse, heterogeneous, and noisy – data, which we in the research group process and utilize together with partners in multiple domains for multiple purposes in novel ways.

Jim Friedman
Chief Steward/Chair of International Advisory Board, World Creativity & Innovation Day/Week
White Family Clinical Professor of Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Miami University | Farmer School of Business
John W. Altman Institute for Entrepreneurship
The Not-a-Center for Creativity & Innovation

Mirza Sagdati
Founder and Program Lead at Red Brick Accelerator
An active startup ecosystem and community builder interested in startups, innovation, growth and impact!
Coaching and supporting early-stage startups accelerate their growth all the way to first revenue and turning their ideas into growing startup ventures.
Welcome Message
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Note: The venue for the Symposium is the University of Jyvaskyla Finland. Kindly do not communicate with the university for any of the questions related to Symposium. The replies for the queries will be entertained only at info@ccefinland.org
Meet the Paper Presenters-
Jim Friedman
Raquel Rosas
Kumari Jayani
Neelu Ghosh
SongHyun Park
Srividya Muthuvel
Udaya Kumara Pothuwila
Team Silicon City Academy, Bangalore
Heera Bae
Madhumita Mitra
Nivedita Mahajan
Prachi Pasalkar
Subir Choudhury
V.M. Sasi Kumar
Cancellation and Refund policy:
CCE will be following all the COVID protocols during the event. If the event gets cancelled due to surge in COVID cases within Finland or internationally then the symposium fees will be refunded after cutting 50€ charges as processing fees. If it is a bank transfer, then the bank transaction fees will be deducted additionally as per the bank's rule.
If you cancel your participation, due to any personal reason including medical, flight cancellation then 50% refund will be provided, if the cancellation is done before 31st March 2023. There will be no refund after 31st March in any case including Visa rejection. After 31st March 2023, no refund is possible for this reason.